Nursing Home/FAQ

1. What determines the value of a nursing home abuse or neglect case?

The value of a nursing home abuse case is determined by the severity, duration, and other details of the abuse and injuries suffered. When you contact Henson Fuerst, a North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyer will go over the facts surrounding the case and help you determine the best way to move forward.

2. What do nursing home abuse or neglect lawyers charge?

The North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyers at Henson Fuerst handle most cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you pay us nothing unless we win or settle your case.  Some cases, however, are handled on an hourly or project basis depending on case circumstances and facts.  Call us today for an initial free case review and consultation, and we will talk further with you about how we would handle your case.

3. What does North Carolina law say about the use of restraints in nursing homes?

The North Carolina Nursing Home Resident’s Bill of Rights states that nursing home residents are to be free from physical restraints and chemical sedation unless there is an emergency or a physician has authorized restraints for a specific period of time according to clear and indicated medical need.

4. What Should I do if my elderly family member is being abused?

It’s important to first make sure that your loved one receives immediate medical care . The North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyers at Henson Fuerst have created a step-by-step checklist of what you should do if you find your loved one is being mistreated.

5. What can I do to ensure my loved one is being well cared for?

There are several ways families can help ensure their loved ones receive the attention and treatment they need.

The North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyers from Henson Fuerst suggest you:

  1. Visit as often as possible.
    To make sure your loved one is receiving proper care, it is important to visit as often as possible. Visit at different times of the day, so that the nursing home staff cannot predict when you will arrive.
  2. Participate in care planning meetings.
    Family members and legal caretakers have the right to participate in care planning meetings. We suggest taking advantage of this right, and participating in your loved one’s scheduled care planning meetings.
  3. Keep a journal.
    Take detailed notes on facility conditions and changes. Be as specific as possible—document the dialogue between staff and family members, the names of those involved in the conflict and the dates when the incidents occurred.
  4. Report problems.
    If you notice any signs or symptoms of unusual treatment of your loved one or others in the long-term care facility, report the abuse right away.
  5. If you suspect abuse or neglect, re-locate your loved one.
    Our legal team has created a resource page to help you find a new long-term care facility for your family member. Choosing a new facility may take time, so make sure your loved one is re-located to at least a temporary place of safety while permanent relocation is being arranged.
  6. If abuse or neglect occurs, contact a North Carolina nursing home abuse lawyer.
    It’s important to not only get the justice your family deserves for the mistreatment of a loved one, but to protect other nursing home residents from abuse. A North Carolina nursing home abuse attorney can investigate the details surrounding the abuse and help put a stop to the mistreatment for all residents. Contact us anytime at (919) 781-1107 or complete a free initial consultation form.
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Raleigh Office

3110 Edwards Mill Rd # 100,
Raleigh, NC 27612
P (919) 781-1107
F (919) 781-8048

Rocky Mount Office

2317 Sunset Ave,
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
P (252) 443-2111
F (252) 443-9429
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