2 Things to Do if You're Affected by the GM Ignition Switch Recall

Picture yourself casually driving down the road, when your vehicle suddenly shuts off. You lose control of the steering and try to apply the brakes, but nothing happens. Your car then veers and crashes. No airbags deploy though, because the vehicle wasn’t running when the accident occurred.

This is a scenario hundreds of drivers have faced as the result of an allegedly Defective Ignition Switch installed in millions of vehicles manufactured by General Motors (GM). Now, the families of 13 people who were killed and an estimated 450 who were injured are calling for the company to pay for the damages the faulty vehicles caused.

Reports from WRAL News explain the company allegedly knew about the defective part as early as 2004 or 2005; however, GM employees may have failed to take action to correct the problem. Some have even claimed internal documents show the company took actions to cover up the problem by signing off for replacement parts, but failing to change the part number on the documents.

The incident leaves many owners of the affected vehicles wondering what they should to ensure their safety when driving

If your vehicle may have a faulty ignition switch, the North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers with HensonFuerst recommend doing the following:

  1. Take the vehicle to a certified dealership to have the problem fixed.
  2. If you or a loved one was injured in a crash that may have been related to the faulty part, speak to a defective product lawyer at HensonFuerst. We are here to help anytime by simply calling 866-777-1170.
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