4 Ways to Prevent a North Carolina Car Accident While Traveling

With the celebration of our nation’s independence looming and a hurricane preparing to hit the coast, many North Carolinians are planning to travel for vacation this weekend. In fact, estimates say that more than 1 million people from our state will hit the road, which according to WRAL News is the highest number of 4th of July travelers North Carolina has seen in more than 13 years.

Unfortunately, the high volume of traffic that will be on our highways can significantly increase the chances of motorists being involved in a North Carolina car accident. This is why the law firm of HensonFuerst would like to offer several tips on how to stay safe while traveling.

  • Plan Ahead– Know the route you are planning to take to your destination prior to leaving. It may also prove beneficial to check traffic conditions along the route and take your vehicle to a mechanic to have it maintained. Don’t forget to pack emergency items in your vehicle, such as food, water, batteries, and chargers, in case of an accident or mechanical malfunction.
  • Eliminate Distractions– It’s important to remember to bring games for kids to play while traveling. Drivers should refrain from eating or drinking while behind the wheel and, by all means, put your phone down while driving.
  • Take Frequent Breaks– Prevent drowsy driving by getting plenty of rest and switching licensed drivers if you begin to get sleepy behind the wheel.
  • Be Patient– Traffic may get bad, so remember to slow down, buckle up, and drive defensively.

The North Carolina personal injury lawyers at HensonFuerst hope these tips help you have a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

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Raleigh, NC 27612
P (919) 781-1107
F (919) 781-8048

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2317 Sunset Ave,
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
P (252) 443-2111
F (252) 443-9429
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