This blog is a resource for accident victims to help them figure out their next move. We talk a lot about the pitfalls of dealing directly with the insurance company after an accident. They can be a formidable opponent in a personal injury case, but I would argue that they’re not the biggest factor standing between you and fair compensation. That honor goes to something more fundamental: time.
From the moment the accident happens, time threatens to limit your right to compensation. The longer you wait to call a lawyer, the harder it may get. Here are 5 ways waiting to get legal help can negatively affect your claim:
- Evidence—Collecting evidence at the scene of the accident can be vital to your injury claim. The sooner our investigative team can get to the scene and start preserving evidence, the better.
- Statute of limitations—You only have so long to file a personal injury claim. If the statute of limitations runs out before you file the necessary paperwork, your right to compensation may be lost forever.
- Head Start—If you wait a month or two to get legal help, the insurance company already has a significant head start on building their case against you. You don’t want your lawyers playing catchup. You want them ahead of the game from the start.
- Pressure—The longer you wait to call a lawyer, the more pressure you’ll start feeling from mounting medical expenses and lost wages, which is why many accident victims end up taking the insurance company’s lowball offer.
- Recovery—Trying to go it alone after a serious car accident can be extremely time-consuming and exhausting. You need to be focusing solely on getting better, not battling the insurance company. That strain can prolong your recovery and weaken you chances of getting maximum compensation.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, don’t wait to get the help you need. Call our North Carolina car accident attorneys today for a free consultation.