The further technology advances in the field of traumatic brain injury (TBI) testing, the more we realize how prevalent these injuries are. New reports from the National Football League stated as much as 28 percent of their former players who suffer repeat TBIs will develop a debilitating brain disorder. Furthermore, an increasing number of soldiers are returning from duties overseas after suffering a TBI. Last year alone, as many as 35,000 service members were treated for severe blows to the head.
Luckily for the victims of TBIs, there’s help available. Dr. Michael Merzenich, a pioneer in the field of brain research, has developed a computer program that can retrain the brains of TBI victims to function properly.
Exercising the brain—while effective—can take time to show results. That’s why the U.S. Senate recently approved a bill that would reauthorize a program that provides assistance to TBI victims as they recover. According to an article from The Ripon Advance, the program will now continue for five more years at current funding levels.
If you have questions regarding your legal rights after suffering a TBI, speaking with a North Carolina personal injury lawyer may be beneficial. They can not only answer any inquiries you may have, they can explain the laws regarding TBIs and how they affect you.
At HensonFuerst, we’re sensitive to the needs of those who’ve had their lives turned upside down as the result of a TBI, and we are available anytime—day or night—to offer our assistance. To find out more about how we can help, give us a call at (866) 777-1170 today.