Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Victims Still Fighting for Compensation

The men and women who serve in the United States military sacrifice everything for our country, yet our own government is responsible for poisoning thousands of service members and their families by allowing pollution to occur on military bases across the country. One of the most serious and documented cases of toxic exposure caused by the military is the Camp Lejeune water contamination scandal.

Pollution at the base began decades ago when gallons of toxic waste was leaked and dumped into the environment surrounding the base. The heavy metals and toxins in the waste found their way into the water table, poisoning the supply for millions of area residents.

Reports soon began to arise of soldiers and their families developing deadly diseases and cancers. According to a story from Newsweek, one veteran lost his daughter to Leukemia that was later linked to water contamination, while other soldiers developed breast cancer and had children born with birth defects.

Since the discovery of the pollution, laws have been enacted to prevent similar cases from occurring again and to ensure the Camp Lejeune victims are compensated; however, action to implement these laws has been slow.

The North Carolina personal injury lawyers with HensonFuerst recognize the harmful effects water contamination can have and are hopeful the victims of the Camp Lejeune water contamination tragedy find closure to the incident.

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