March 29, 2012
While the majority of Chapel Hill residents and town council members were in favor of a ban on cellphone use while driving, other residents have concerns that the new law could hinder their businesses. A recent WRAL News article told the stories of two business owners who claim to rely on their phones while driving.
One man who owns a cleaning service that handles fire and water damage says his business deals with emergency situations, and missing a phone call could cost him thousands of dollars in potential revenue if he doesn’t respond quickly enough. An owner of a delivery service also stated that her clients rely on a phone call when the driver is on the way.
Most would agree that these problems are minimal considering the measure’s potential to save lives. Statistics show that drivers who use a handheld device are more than four times as likely to be involved in an accident. That equated to approximately 57,984 accidents caused by distracted driving in North Carolina over a four year time period. Of the motorists involved in those accidents, 13,000 were injured and 119 died.
While the North Carolina Auto Accident Attorneys with HensonFuerst Injury Lawyers feel the ban will save lives, we’re curious as to what your opinion on the new law is and how you think it will affect you. Tell us what you think by posting to our Facebook page.