At least 21 families are living with a threat of potential cancer after their wells have been found to be contaminated with TCE–a cancer-causing cleaning agent. According to an article on, the water was likely contaminated by two small circuit board assembly companies that were formerly located on Stony Hill Road near Wake Forest.
Since the EPA started its investigation in July, at least 21 homes have tested positive for the presence of TCE – a cancer-causing cleaning agent used to get rid of grease – in well water. Twelve of those homes had dangerous levels of the contaminant.
The residents say that they were never notified about the potential contamination, despite the fact that the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) first became aware of contamination in 2005. DENR officials have been working for years to make the polluters foot the bill for fixing the problem. John Roth of the Stonewalls Homeowners Association said he is considering a class action suit against the companies responsible. According to
“We know that (TCE) was present in soils on the property. We know there was a discharge on that property. We know there’s ground water contamination. We have to show which of those parties did that,” DENR spokeswoman Charlotte Jesneck said at Wednesday’s meeting.
Cleaning up contamination groundwater can be a lengthy process. In the meantime, the EPA is working out plans to supply affected homes with clean drinking water.
This type of contamination is potentially very dangerous, and it is frustrating for the homeowners. They find themselves stuck in a sick environment, unable to sell their property now…and likely forever. This is exactly the kind of corporate abuse that raises our hackles. These homeowners are owed full compensation for their losses…and they deserve peace of mind.
If you or your property has been harmed by chemical contamination and would like to explore your legal options, HensonFuerst can help. We’re available 24/7 at 1-800-4-LAWMED. If you have questions, HensonFuerst has answers.