September 6, 2012
North Carolina is currently in the center of the hot debate surrounding a new method of drilling for natural gas, called fracking. It works by injecting a slurry of water and toxic chemicals into drilling wells to help open up and break free small pockets and deposits of natural gas.
While those in favor of allowing the new technology to be used here in North Carolina call the process safe, opponents say that fracking is potentially hazardous both to humans and the environment. Studies have shown that the chemicals used in fracking can seep into groundwater deposits, therefore, poisoning water supplies and decimating agricultural areas. These issues can lead to claims of environmental injury and North Carolina land condemnation lawsuits spurred from landowners whose property has been taken or affected by the drilling.
To prevent these problems form occurring, North Carolina lawmakers have established a commission that will create strict regulations on the practice of fracking. According to WRAL News, the 12-member Mining and Energy Commission will not only consider the protection of land and citizens when making its rules, but also the economic effects fracking could have.
A recent U.S. Geologic Survey has shown the state only has enough untapped natural gas to supply the state for six years, versus earlier findings that claimed North Carolina’s ground contained enough natural gas to power the state for nearly 40 years.
The Raleigh Personal Injury Attorneys with HensonFuerst Injury Lawyers would advise anyone whose health or land has been affected by drilling to contact a qualified attorney immediately.