Obesity Drug Meridia Withdrawn from Market

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today that Abbott Laboratories has agreed to voluntarily withdraw its obesity drug Meridia (sibutramine) because scientific research has shown that the drug increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

According to John Jenkins, MD, director of the Office of New Drugs in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research:

“Meridia’s continued availability is not justified when you compare the very modest weight loss that people achieve on this drug to their risk of heart attack or stroke.

“Physicians are advised to stop prescribing Meridia to their patients and patients should stop taking this medication. Patients should talk to their health care provider about alternative weight loss and weight loss maintenance programs.”

This drug has been suspected of causing health problems for quite a while, but the FDA failed to act, and the pharmaceutical company failed to remove the medication from the market…until now, when the research results are incontrovertible. Given that the benefits of the drug are miniscule, it seems criminal to continue to make the drug available to consumers.

People taking Meridia are advised to stop taking the drug IMMEDIATELY, and to talk with a physician about alternative weight loss strategies. In addition:

  • Contact your healthcare professional right away if you experience pain in the chest, heart palpitations, abnormal heart rate or rhythm, or other symptoms including dizziness and lightheadedness.
  • Dispose of unused Meridia in your household trash by following the recommendations outlined in the Federal Drug Disposal Guidelines:
    • Take your Meridia out of its original container and mix it with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter. The medication will be less appealing to children and pets, and unrecognizable to people who may intentionally go through your trash.
    • Put the medication in a sealable bag, empty can, or other container to prevent it from breaking out of a garbage bag.

If you believe you have suffered heart attack, stroke, or other serious side effects after taking Meridia, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. To discuss your legal options, feel free to contact the compassionate lawyers of HensonFuerst by calling 919-781-1107, or by visiting our website at https://www.hensonfuerst.com.

If you have questions, HensonFuerst has answers.

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