Physicians Participate In UNC Hospital’s Surgery Boot Camp

August 2, 2012

Statistics from the Bureau of Justice show that between 15,000 and 19,000 medical malpractice lawsuits are filed in the United States each year, with around 600 filed in North Carolina alone.

To help reduce the number of these Raleigh medical malpractice claims, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s hospital hosted nearly 70 physicians from across the country for a surgery boot camp this past week.

According to WRAL News, the surgeons were able to perform several procedures on the donated organs of pigs, which had been “reanimated” in order to give the effects of bleeding and breathing. The hope of the program, which is in its fifth year, is to give these surgeons a chance to practice and hone their skills in a hands-on environment that is fairly risk free.

One participant, Dr. Taylor Ripley, from memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, praised the experience, saying, “It helps us refine skills that will be safer when we actually have to take care of real patients.”

The North Carolina personal injury lawyers with HensonFuerst Injury Lawyers would like to remind patients of the right to ask plenty of questions of your surgeon before agreeing to go under the knife, such as:

  • How many times have you performed this procedure?
  • What are the risks?
  • How often do you perform this surgery?
  • What is your success rate with this procedure?


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