Researchers Looking For Biological Evidence Of Brain Injuries

February 7, 2013

Data collected by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) shows that approximately 500,000 soldiers returning from overseas have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Experts say the estimate may be low though, as many cases go unreported due to a veteran’s unwillingness to seek help.

What if there was a definitive way to gather biological evidence of these conditions? That is what a team of researchers from New York University’s medical school is working to create. According to the New York Times, the team is attempting to identify certain “biomarkers” amongst those who have PTSD or TBIs. The biomarkers are physiological signals a person is, or is likely to be, afflicted with a certain condition.

As part of the study, soldiers from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, are being evaluated in five groups:

  • those suffering from PTSD,
  • those suffering from TBI’s,
  • those suffering both conditions,
  • those suffering from depression, but neither PTSD or TBIs,
  • and those suffering from no conditions

Biological samples will then be collected to identify any similarities or changes that could be linked to having PTSD or a TBI.

The North Carolina Injury Attorneys with HensonFuerst are aware of the devastating effects brain injuries can have on a victim’s life and urge anyone who has possibly suffered a brain injury to seek medical treatment. Then, contact an attorney to discuss your legal options.

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