Reckless and aggressive drivers present a serious problem on North Carolina roads. Between 2011 and 2015, there were 55,000 car accidents related to careless driving statewide. There are too many preventable car accidents that take place each year due to distracted, aggressive and negligent driving behaviors.
A new study released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety indicates that car accidents linked to aggressive and reckless driving behaviors are on the rise. Below are some troubling statistics that reflect the danger that aggressive driving can pose to motorists:
- About 80% of drivers reported experiencing anger, aggression or frustration while behind the wheel in 2015.
- 1,401 motorists were fatally injured in North Carolina between 2011 and 2015 due to car accidents involving reckless driving.
- Nearly 12% of American drivers surveyed reported that they had intentionally cut off another vehicle while driving.
When drivers become careless or overly aggressive behind the wheel, they jeopardize not only their own safety, but the safety of everyone around them. According to Tiffany Wright, President of AAA Carolina’s Foundation for Traffic Safety: “North Carolina’s statistics are staggering; far too many drivers are transforming minor frustrations into rage and aggression.”
Henson Fuerst, Raleigh North Carolina Personal Injury Law Firm, reminds you to always be mindful of other drivers on the road, and to not let frustration get the best of you. Even a minor mishap can lead to a serious car accident if drivers allow themselves to become frustrated, distracted, or overly aggressive.
If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries in a car accident that was caused by an aggressive or reckless driver, call Henson Fuerst at (919) 781-1107. When you call, you will speak with an experienced Raleigh North Carolina Car Accident Attorney for free.
At Henson Fuerst, you will not be charged anything until we achieve a recovery for you. We are committed to protecting your rights and we will fight hard to secure the maximum compensation for your injuries.
Call Henson Fuerst, Because Your Case Matters