Anyone who is involved in a motor vehicle collision is at risk of being seriously injured or killed, but pedestrians and bicyclists are at an especially high risk of harm because they lack the protection of a plastic and metal frame of a car or truck’s exterior.
Our North Carolina bicycle accident lawyers at HensonFuerst point out that crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists aren’t rare occurrences either. Estimates show as many as 2,400 pedestrians and another 1,000 bicyclists are struck by a motor vehicle in North Carolina each year.
To help reduce the number of these types of collisions in Greenville, North Carolina, law enforcement is taking a unique approach to raising the public’s awareness of pedestrian and bicycle safety. The Greenville Police Department has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Transportation in launching a new safety campaign. According to an article from WSOCTV 9 News, officers are issuing “reward” tickets to motorists who are obeying pedestrian and bicycle laws as part of the “Watch For Me N.C.” campaign. The tickets can then be used by the recipient to receive rewards at a number of businesses in the area.
A number of our North Carolina personal injury attorneys at HensonFuerst are avid cyclists, so we understand the dangers motor vehicles can pose to those traveling on bicycle or on foot. That’s why we would like to applaud the efforts being made through the “Watch For Me N.C.” program and encourage motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike to share the road.