Could a Doctor's Choice of Treatment Lead to a North Carolina Medical Malpractice Claim?

One of the leading causes for North Carolina medical malpractice claims is hospital-acquired infection (HAI). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that on any given day, 1 in 25 hospitals will treat a patient who developed an infection while receiving care at that same facility. Furthermore, 75,000 of those patients will die while undergoing treatment.

So what’s the reason for HAIs being so prevalent here in the United States? One study suggests it could be the treatment options some doctors are using with their patients.

According to an article from WRAL News, many doctors are treating ill patients by prescribing several antibiotics to take at the same time over the course of several days. While the option is often effective, it has also been found to create antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

These modified strains of bacteria can be difficult for the body to fight off and for doctors to treat, which could in turn be increasing the number of HAIs.

To help combat the problem, researchers stated doctors should only prescribe patients one antibiotic drug at a time and also released a list of 23 combinations of antibiotic medications that should never be used together.

At HensonFuerst, our North Carolina personal injury attorneys can help if you suffered an injury or illness while under the care of a medical professional. You can learn more about what we can do for you by calling (866) 777-1170 anytime—day or night.

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