Happy Fourth of July from Henson Fuerst!

The attorneys and staff at Henson Fuerst wish you and your family a safe and happy Fourth of July Weekend! Whether you plan on taking a vacation or simply relaxing at home with friends, family and neighbors, please be safe.

Here are some tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend:

  • NEVER Drink and Drive: Every year, car accidents involving drunk drivers increase during summer holidays. In fact, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is commonly referred to as the “100 Deadliest Days” for teenage drivers. NEVER get behind the wheel of a vehicle if you have consumed any alcohol. Use public transportation, designate a sober driver, or call a cab or car service.
  • Practice Proper Fireworks Safety: According to the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission, 10,500 people were injured in fireworks-related accidents in 2014. If you are planning on incorporating fireworks into your Independence Day celebration, please take special precautions to protect your safety, as well as the safety of those around you.
  • Buckle Up: Traffic volume during the Fourth of July weekend is often much higher than normal. With more cars on the road comes an increased risk of being involved in a crash. Whether you are taking a long road trip or going for a ride around your block, make sure that you and all of your passengers wear your safety belts at all times.

Happy Fourth of July!

Henson Fuerst, Because Your Case Matters

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Raleigh Office

3110 Edwards Mill Rd # 100,
Raleigh, NC 27612
P (919) 781-1107
F (919) 781-8048

Rocky Mount Office

2317 Sunset Ave,
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
P (252) 443-2111
F (252) 443-9429
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