North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers Work to End Bullying

February 20, 2014

Bullying is a serious problem in the United States today. Studies from the National Education Association show as many as 30 percent of school-aged children are bullied each month. The North Carolina Personal Injury Attorneys with the law firm of HensonFuerst explain this behavior can have serious, even deadly, consequences.

Take the case of an 11-year-old North Carolina boy who recently attempted to commit suicide because of the abuse he suffered at the hands of his peers due to his interest in the children’s series, My Little Pony. He remains hospitalized and is continuing to recover from the incident. Read more here.

In an effort to prevent others from suffering such abuse, HensonFuerst has launched a massive anti-bullying campaign. This past November, the event kicked off with the Stand Up! Anti-Bullying Festival that was held at the Royal Palace Theatre in Roanoke Rapids. More than $400 was raised to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Roanoke Rapids to battle bullying. The firm also held a contest for students to create a public service announcement covering how bullying can affect children. Then, in January, one of our attorneys, David Henson, was featured as a panel member in a discussion on bullying broadcast on UNC-TV.

During the interview, several tips were offered to prevent bullying, including:

  • Communicating openly with children about the affects bullying can have
  • Discussing policies and programs regarding bullying with school officials
  • If a child is being bullied, seek help from authorities and counselors immediately.
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