North Carolina law firm HensonFuerst, P.A., will hold a public information session on the rights and duties of landowners whose land will be affected by the Asheville River Arts District Transportation Improvement project (NC DOT and Municipal Project No. U-5019). This project will primarily affect small business owners located in a section of the larger Wilma Dikeman RiverWay.
Attorneys from the firm’s regional offices will lead the free seminar on protecting these property owners’ interests at Pack Memorial Library on Monday, Sept. 28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Attorney Anne Duvoisin of the firm’s Boone office and attorney David S. Henson of the Raleigh and Rocky Mount offices will inform local property owners what to expect and what they can do to protect their property interests. The seminar will be held at the Pack Memorial Library located at 67 Haywood Street in Asheville, N.C.
The Seminar has been scheduled to follow the Public Hearing about the project which NC DOT and the City of Asheville are conducting the week before, on September 24, in part to answer owners’ questions about the Public Hearing. Affected property owners are advised to attend both the Public Hearing and the seminar.
The Asheville River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project, No. U-5019, will cover an area of 2.2 miles including the corridor of Lyman Street and a portion of Riverside Drive between Amboy Road and Hill Street. There are approximately 37 parcels that are being condemned. Restaurants, Lumber Yards, Auto Repair Shops, Apartments, and Warehouses are only a few types of properties that will be affected. Improvements to be made are construction of on-street parking facilities, sidewalks, railroad crossings, intersections and signal upgrades, as well as bridge re-construction.
If you are interested in finding out more information about the project, or what you can do to protect your rights, please contact HensonFuerst Attorneys at 828-295-7469 and/or attend the free seminar on September 28th.
(From the Mountain Xpress: