I have often wondered how long it would take for people to realize what life in a nursing home looks like from a patient’s perspective. For those who think that nursing homes who put profit over patient care shouldn’t be punished, I wonder if they would be willing to do what these brave medical students are doing. Such an exercise makes on think of how scary it would be to completely turn one’s daily and personal care over to strangers. However, when the companies providing that care are unwilling to spend enough money to have enough staff, provide enough food, and have activities to optimize daily life in their nursing homes, the result is tragic and should be stopped. Nursing home abuse and neglect can be prevented – someone just has to care enough to do so. For the full article, click on the following link: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/24/health/24nursing.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1&em
An Interesting Experiment: A Medical Student Spends Ten Days in a Nursing Home to Learn What it is Like
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