There’s a lot of current and upcoming construction projects in North Carolina. From the I-26 connector in Asheville to the I-40/I-440 rebuild projects, good work is being done to make driving safer in our state. But while the end result may be safer, the work in progress can be dangerous for North Carolina drivers.
Here are 5 tips for driving safely through construction zones:
- Take it slow—Construction zones carry slower speed limits to protect drivers and the construction workers present. Even if it’s the weekend or after normal work hours, take it slow. You never know when workers may be present.
- Give plenty of space—Always give the car in front of you more than a few car lengths. Many construction zones have uneven lanes or lane shifts, which could cause the person in front of you to hit the brakes unexpectedly. Give them space so you have time to stop.
- Pay attention to signs—When there’s a lane shift or no shoulder, there should be signs indicating well in advance. Pay attention to the signage while going through a construction zone so you know what’s coming up ahead.
- Be prepared to stop—Although it is uncommon on a highway project for work vehicles to come out into the lane of traffic, it may be necessary from time to time. Be alert and watch for vehicles entering the flow of traffic.
- Stay calm—No one likes driving through construction zones. Stay calm and keep your cool. Arriving safe is better than arriving fast.
At HensonFuerst, we care about your safety of North Carolina drivers and the construction workers working on our roads. If you’re ever injured in a car or workplace accident, give us a call for a free consultation. We’ll do everything within our power to get fair compensation for your injuries, so you can put your accident behind you.