On Friday, December 7, HensonFuerst attorney Anne Duvoisin met with Wake Forest residents to discuss possible actions now that some local well water has been found to be contaminated with toxic chemicals.
On November 7, 2012, we wrote about the frightening and infuriating news of water contamination in the Wake Forest neighborhood of Stony Hill. In short, some drinking water there was found to contain trichloroethylene (TCE), a carcinogen capable of causing liver tumors in laboratory animals.
North Carolina’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources had known about the contamination for about 7 years, but people in Wake Forest only found out earlier this year. All that time, people were drinking potentially contaminated water, and building homes on land that will now likely be worth much less than when it was purchased…if it retains any value at all.
That’s what brought Erin Brockovich to Wake Forest, and what prompted attorney Anne Duvoisin to speak with residents about how they can protect themselves from this chemical disaster.
According to an article in Wake Weekly:
“What I see is a lot of people will be very adversely affected, either their land value, health or potential health,” said Duvoisin.
During the seminar, attorney Duvoisin passed out materials showing how effects of exposure to TCE can and should be documented so victims don’t disqualify themselves from claims through not understanding the legal process. In particular, people experiencing acute symptoms should get breath-tested fro TCE exposure. Symptoms might include skin rashes, headaches, lung irritation, and difficulty concentrating. Longer-term problems might include liver damage, heart problems, and immune dysfunction.
Duvoisin also spoke about how medical problems are not the only issues facing homeowners–they also face financial risk due to the devaluation of their homes and properties. It is possible to sue the responsible parties for the loss of value, a legal move called “Inverse Condemnation.”
If you believe that your home may have been affected by this chemical contamination, please don’t hesitate to contact HensonFuerst attorney Anne Duvoisin at 1-800-4-LAWMED. To learn more about the process of Inverse Condemnation, visit our website at NCLandLawyer.com … or watch our YouTube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-_zmdXZijU
Life Doesn’t Wait…call HensonFuerst.