To many North Carolinians, our property is one of our most important assets; however, our state’s laws allow the government to seize land if it’s deemed the property can benefit the public. This is typically referred to as eminent domain.
There are loopholes in these laws though that can be used to unfairly compensate a landowner for their property. That’s why one state legislator has introduced a bill to protect our citizens from North Carolina land condemnation.
House Bill 3 gives a more specific answer to the question of, “Who can condemn my property and for what uses?” It prohibits the state of North Carolina or local governments from taking property that will be used by private entities. The bill—sponsored by Rep. Chuck McGrady and supported by at least 25 other lawmakers—would also require the government to provide “just compensation” to the landowner for their property. Furthermore, the News & Observer reports it provides property owners with the option to request the price of their property be set by a jury rather than a judge.
Similar legislation against North Carolina land condemnation was introduced several years ago, but was eventually killed while under review by the state Senate.
At HensonFuerst Injury Lawyers, we understand the impact eminent domain can have on the citizens of North Carolina. That’s why our attorneys encourage you to fight North Carolina land condemnation by supporting House Bill 3 with us.