August 4, 2011
A North Carolina Workers’ Compensation claim, made by a former Robeson County middle school principal who was shot in the face, has been appealed by the Attorney General’s office for the third time.
According to a report by News 14, in April of 2009, the man filing the claim was principal at Fairmont Middle School. He was driving to work one morning when the driver of a truck traveling in the opposite direction on Davis Road opened fire on him. He says he saw a hole in his car’s window, and knew he had been shot. The case is still unsolved.
Since then, he has been hospitalized, undergone several reconstructive surgeries, and still suffers post-traumatic stress stemming from the incident. He successfully sued the school district for workers’ compensation and also won an appeal, but the state still refuses to pay because they say he was not on school grounds at the time of the incident. The case will now go before the State Court of Appeals.
According to North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorneys with the law firm of HensonFuerst, victims of the workers’ compensation system often have their claims denied several times before receiving benefits. They say that is why it is best to contact an attorney to handle the case for you.
The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorneys with HensonFuerst can be contacted anytime for a free evaluation of your case and to discuss the next steps you should take in order to receive compensation for your expenses.