Yesterday, we wrote a feel-good story about a young man who had suffered traumatic brain injury and had recovered enough to now be a rehab counselor for other brain-injured youth.
Today’s story is about an Alabama nursing home that helps residents celebrate the holiday season with an “Adopt-a-Resident” program. According to an article on, Troy Health and Rehabilitation Center invites churches, clubs, organizations, and individuals to connect with a nursing home resident during the holidays.
“Some of our residents don’t have family nearby and some no family at all,” [said Jeanette Dawkin, Center activities director]. “Our Adopt-a-Resident program ensures that every resident will have something under the Christmas tree. They get so excited to have gifts and this program helps makes Christmas merry and special for all of our residents.”
The center provides information about each resident, and makes suggestions about appropriate gifts. (For future reference: Slippers, blankets, pajama, gripper socks, sweatpants, shirts, and lotions are popular items.) The center asks that participants purchase at least two gifts for the adopted resident. Then, on December 17, just before the Center’s Christmas party, Santa Claus will visit each resident’s room and deliver the gifts. All participants to adopt a resident are invited to the Christmas party, too, so everyone can spend time together.
Being alone in a nursing facility can be a frightening and depressing experience. Programs like this bring a little light into an otherwise dark situation. What a great idea. Do any North Carolina nursing facilities want to adopt this idea?